Source code for pydispatch.utils

import weakref
from weakref import ref, _remove_dead_weakref
from _weakref import ref
import types
import asyncio

def get_method_vars(m):
    f = m.__func__
    obj = m.__self__
    return f, obj

def iscoroutinefunction(obj):
    return asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(obj)

[docs]class WeakMethodContainer(weakref.WeakValueDictionary): """Container to store weak references to callbacks Instance methods are stored using the underlying :term:`function` object and the instance id (using :func:`id(obj) <id>`) as the key (a two-tuple) and the object itself as the value. This ensures proper weak referencing. Functions are stored using the string "function" and the id of the function as the key (a two-tuple). """
[docs] def add_method(self, m, **kwargs): """Add an instance method or function Args: m: The instance method or function to store """ if isinstance(m, types.FunctionType): self['function', id(m)] = m else: f, obj = get_method_vars(m) wrkey = (f, id(obj)) self[wrkey] = obj
[docs] def del_method(self, m): """Remove an instance method or function if it exists Args: m: The instance method or function to remove """ if isinstance(m, types.FunctionType) and not iscoroutinefunction(m): wrkey = ('function', id(m)) else: f, obj = get_method_vars(m) wrkey = (f, id(obj)) if wrkey in self: del self[wrkey]
[docs] def del_instance(self, obj): """Remove any stored instance methods that belong to an object Args: obj: The instance object to remove """ to_remove = set() for wrkey, _obj in self.iter_instances(): if obj is _obj: to_remove.add(wrkey) for wrkey in to_remove: del self[wrkey]
[docs] def iter_instances(self): """Iterate over the stored objects Yields: wrkey: The two-tuple key used to store the object obj: The instance or function object """ for wrkey in set(self.keys()): obj = self.get(wrkey) if obj is None: continue yield wrkey, obj
[docs] def iter_methods(self): """Iterate over stored functions and instance methods Yields: Instance methods or function objects """ for wrkey, obj in self.iter_instances(): f, obj_id = wrkey if f == 'function': yield self[wrkey] else: yield getattr(obj, f.__name__)
class InformativeDict(dict): def __delitem__(self, key): super(InformativeDict, self).__delitem__(key) self.del_callback(key)
[docs]class InformativeWVDict(weakref.WeakValueDictionary): """A WeakValueDictionary providing a callback for deletion Keyword Arguments: del_callback: A callback function that will be called when an item is either deleted or dereferenced. It will be called with the key as the only argument. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.del_callback = kwargs.get('del_callback') weakref.WeakValueDictionary.__init__(self) def remove(wr, selfref=ref(self)): self = selfref() if self is not None: if self._iterating: self._pending_removals.append(wr.key) else: # Atomic removal is necessary since this function # can be called asynchronously by the GC _remove_dead_weakref(, wr.key) self._data_del_callback(wr.key) self._remove = remove = InformativeDict() = self._data_del_callback def _data_del_callback(self, key): self.del_callback(key)
[docs]class EmissionHoldLock: """Context manager used for :meth:`pydispatch.dispatch.Dispatcher.emission_lock` Supports use as a :term:`context manager` used in :keyword:`with` statements and an :term:`asynchronous context manager` when used in :keyword:`async with` statements. Args: event_instance: The :class:`~pydispatch.dispatch.Event` instance associated with the lock Attributes: event_instance: The :class:`~pydispatch.dispatch.Event` instance associated with the lock last_event: The positional and keyword arguments from the event's last emission as a two-tuple. If no events were triggered while the lock was held, :obj:`None`. held (bool): The internal state of the lock """ def __init__(self, event_instance): self.event_instance = event_instance self.last_event = None self.held = False @property def aio_locks(self): d = getattr(self, '_aio_locks', None) if d is None: d = self._aio_locks = {} return d def acquire(self): if self.held: return self.held = True self.last_event = None def release(self): if not self.held: return if self.last_event is not None: args, kwargs = self.last_event self.last_event = None self.held = False self.event_instance(*args, **kwargs) async def acquire_async(self): self.acquire() lock = await self._build_aio_lock() if not lock.locked(): await lock.acquire() async def release_async(self): lock = await self._build_aio_lock() if lock.locked: lock.release() self.release() def __enter__(self): self.acquire() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.release() async def __aenter__(self): await self.acquire_async() return self async def __aexit__(self, *args): await self.release_async() async def _build_aio_lock(self): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() key = id(loop) lock = self.aio_locks.get(key) if lock is None: lock = asyncio.Lock() self.aio_locks[key] = lock return lock