

.. py:event:: event_name#

Describes a pydispatch.dispatch.Event object. This directive inherits from Sphinx’s py:method directive to allow representation of arguments.

:hasargs: Indicates if there are event arguments to document (bool)#
.. py:dispatcherproperty:: property_name#

Describes a object. This directive inherits from Sphinx’s py:attribute directive.

:propcls: The Property class defined (str)#
:type: Expected type of the Property (type)#



References a pydispatch.dispatch.Event object


References a object

Autodoc Directives#

The following directives are added as part of the sphinx.ext.autodoc integration.

In most cases, they would not be used directly. The automodule and autoclass directives will use them as it would for any other class-level documenter.

.. autoevent::#

Document Event objects as instance attributes using the py:event directive. Inherited from autoattribute.

.. autoeventmethod::#

Document Event objects as methods using the py:event directive. Inherited from automethod.

:hasargs: Indicates if there are arguments to document (bool)#
.. autodispatcherproperty::#

Document Property objects using the py:dispatcherproperty directive. Inherited from autoattribute.

:propcls: The Property class defined (str)#
:type: Expected type of the Property (type)#